Grip version visualizaiton interface for DART (DynamicAnimationandRoboticsToolkits)
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
osgGolems::AxesClass that subclasses osg::Geode to create x,y,z axes
osgDart::BodyNodeVisualsClass that holds all the visualization nodes for a link, excluding the actual link
osgGolems::BoxConvenience class for creating a box node. Subclasses osg::Geode
CameraCallbackClass for the camera callback
CameraDataData for the camera callback
osgGolems::CameraManipulatorCamera manipulator class that subclasses osgGA::OrbitManipulator. It sets up desired behavior for robot simulator
osgGolems::CapsuleConvenience class for creating a capsule node. Subclasses osg::Geode
osgGolems::ConeConvenience class for creating a cone node. Subclasses osg::Geode
osgDart::ContactForceVisualClass that creates a force vector visualization node
osgGolems::CylinderConvenience class for creating a cylinder node. Subclasses osg::Geode
osgDart::DartNodeClass that is a subclass of osg::Group, which is the main object for DART visualization in OpenSceneGraph. It can contain many SkeletonNodes as parts of a simulation world. In essence, a DartNode is the largest visualization object
osgDart::DartNodeCallbackCallback class for updating a DartNode. This class must subclass osg::NodeCallback
DoubleSliderClass that creates a double valued slider
osgGolems::GridClass for creating an OpenSceneGraph osg::Geomtry grid of user-specified width, depth and grid square size
GripMainWindowClass that subclasses MainWindow in order to create the whole Grip interface
GripSimulationClass that handles the simulation loop, simulation timeline, timing and communicates with the main GUI thread via slots and signals. This class subclass QObject and is used by creating an instance of the class and then moving it to a thread with the "moveToThread(QThread*)" function
GripTabThis class is used as an interface for defining plugins The aim is to ensure that all methods declared in this class are defined in the plugins
GripTimesliceClass for storing a slice of the timeline. This contains a time parameter and a world state parameter
HuboControllerController wrapper for Hubo position commands
InspectorTabWidget containing all the widgets that allow the user to manually manipulate a skeleton. Subclasses QDockWidget
osgGolems::LineClass that subclasses osg::Geode to create x,y,z axes
MainWindowMain window for robot simulation interface. A virtual base class that subclasses QMainWindow
osgAssimpSceneReaderClass for converting Assimp scenes to OpenSceneGraph nodes
PlaybackWidgetClass for simulation and kinematic playback
osgDart::SkeletonNodeClass which inherits osg::Group
osgDart::SkeletonVisualsClass that combines all the visualization objects at the skeleton level. This class subclasses osg::MatrixTransform
osgGolems::SphereConvenience class for creating a sphere node. Subclasses osg::Geode
Ui::TreeViewClass containing the widgets
TreeViewClass for the tree view which displays and manages the object in the simulation world
TreeViewReturnThis class is used to return the object that is selected in the Object Explorer or Tree View
ViewerWidgetClass which inherits from QWidget and osgViewer::CompositeViewer. This class creates a osgQt::GraphicsWindowQt and puts it inside a composite viewer
VisualizationTabWidget containing all the visualization settings widgets all contained in a DockableWidget
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