Grip version visualizaiton interface for DART (DynamicAnimationandRoboticsToolkits)
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/build/qtWidgets/ui_InspectorTab.h [code]
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/build/qtWidgets/ui_PlaybackWidget.h [code]
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/build/qtWidgets/ui_qtab.h [code]
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/build/qtWidgets/ui_TreeView.h [code]
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/build/qtWidgets/ui_VisualizationTab.h [code]
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/include/GripMainWindow.h [code]Main window for Grip
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/include/GripSimulation.h [code]Class for running the simulation loop in its own thread
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/include/gripTime.h [code]Cross-platform clock class that get nanosecond precision on Linux and Mac, and microsecond precision on Windows
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/include/GripTimeslice.h [code]Class for the objects in the timeline
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/include/HuboController.h [code]Controller wrapper for Hubo position commands
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/include/MainWindow.h [code]Main QWindow base class for robot visualization software
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/osgDart/BodyNodeVisuals.h [code]Class that holds all the visualization nodes for a link, excluding the actual link
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/osgDart/DartNode.h [code]Class that is a subclass of osg::Group, which is the main object for DART visualization in OpenSceneGraph. It can contain many SkeletonNodes as parts of a simulation world. In essence, a DartNode is the largest visualization object
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/osgDart/DartNodeCallback.h [code]Callback class for updating a DartNode. This class must subclass osg::NodeCallback
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/osgDart/osgAssimpSceneReader.h [code]Class for converting Assimp scenes to OpenSceneGraph nodes
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/osgDart/osgDartShapes.h [code]Library for converting DART shapes and meshes to osg nodes
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/osgDart/SkeletonNode.h [code]OpenSceneGraph osg::Group subclass for dart::dynamics::skeleton objects
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/osgDart/SkeletonVisuals.h [code]Class that combines all the visualization objects at the skeleton level. This class subclasses osg::MatrixTransform
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/osgDart/WorldVisuals.h [code]Library that contains visuals for the world. Currently this only include contact forces and the lines representing them. This is because skeletons can contact each other and therefore it become a world level interface, as opposed to contained within a skeleton or BodyNode
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/osgGolems/Axes.h [code]Class that subclasses osg::Geode to create x,y,z axes
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/osgGolems/CameraCallback.h [code]Class for Camera callback
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/osgGolems/CameraManipulator.h [code]Camera manipulator class that subclasses osgGA::OrbitManipulator. It sets up desired behavior for robot simulator
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/osgGolems/Grid.h [code]Class for creating an OpenSceneGraph osg::Geometry
grid of user-specified width, depth and grid square size
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/osgGolems/Line.h [code]Class that subclasses osg::Geode to create x,y,z axes
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/osgGolems/osgUtils.h [code]Utility functions for OpenSceneGraph
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/osgGolems/Shapes.h [code]Container for all the different shape classes. Essentially each class is a convenience class for an osg::Shape object
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/osgGolems/ViewerWidget.h [code]Class that is an osgViewer::CompositeViewer as a QWidget
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/plugin/example1/build/ui_myplugin.h [code]
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/plugin/example1/include/myplugin.h [code]
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/plugin/qtcreator-build/ui_myplugin.h [code]
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/qtWidgets/DoubleSlider.h [code]Class that creates a double valued slider
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/qtWidgets/GripTab.h [code]GripTab declares virtual functions and contains some useful member pointers to objects in the main window of grip. Users making plugins need to subclass this class
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/qtWidgets/InspectorTab.h [code]Class that handles all primitive interaction affecting orientation and position of objects in the simulation world
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/qtWidgets/PlaybackWidget.h [code]Class for simulation and kinematic playback
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/qtWidgets/TreeView.h [code]Class for managing and displaying a tree view of the objects in the world
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/qtWidgets/TreeViewReturn.h [code]Class for managing the return object of the TreeView
/home/pete/myRepos/grip2/qtWidgets/VisualizationTab.h [code]Widget containing all the visualization settings widgets all contained in a DockableWidget
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